As noted in my last post, we hosted six
summits in six California regions (San Diego, Orange County, Los
Angeles, Pasadena, San Francisco, and Sacramento) to solicit ideas for a
professional development clearinghouse to serve the California Community
Colleges. Here I'll present the ideas for what kinds of content belongs in a PD Clearinghouse.
Community Colleges Information. CCCCO Resources; Classrooms; Compliance
Training; Governance Structure; Orientation to CCC system; Policies;
Populations in the CCCs.
see Mandated Content/Training.
Adjunct Faculty Resources. Connections; Content.
Administrators PD
Adult HS Equivalency
Assessment Training Attendance Tracking; Badges; Costs /
Benefits Analysis; How to Get Consistent Measures; Monitoring for Completion;
Outcomes of PD; Use / Misuse of PD
Best Practices. Acceleration; Accreditation and Self
Studies; Assessment; Basic Skills; Big Data; Distance Education; Effective
Pedagogical Practices; Effective Practices; Faculty Evaluations; Face-to-Face, Financial
Aid; Good Food for PD Events; Governance; Hybrid, and Online Best Practices; Orientation;
Planning; Research; Program Review; Retention; Rubric/Template for Sharing Best
Practices; Student Educational Plans; Student Engagement; Student Equity;
Templates; Student Learning Outcomes; What Works on Other Campuses
Book Reviews. Online Book Clubs.
Budget. Budget Allocation Models; Fiscal Policies and
Procedures; Funding for Resources; How to Use PD Funds
Calendar. There is a common, granular calendar, with
events coded by type (e.g., Webinar, Conference, Workshop, Course, Summit,
Retreat, Meeting). The calendar includes
personal, regional, district, college, state, and national events, with links
to organizational calendars from the personal calendar. The calendar allows
users to share events, send invitations to other users, and arrange for
“meet-ups” by linking to collaborative features in the Clearinghouse. It also
includes a “registration” option that allows users to register for events
listed in the calendar.
The calendar can be searched by topic, region or location,
fees required, date(s), speaker(s), time required, and similar information. Calendar events can be shared, edited, copied,
and sent to target groups. Past calendar events are updated with outcomes
(e.g., handouts, materials, videos, PPTs).

CCC Confer.
Obstacles. Questions; Scenarios.
Classified Staff
PD (Section Devoted to this)
Materials and Information Archives, handouts, videos, presentations.
Contacts Database
Association; Campus; Expertise; Industry-Related
Copyright and Fair
Course Management
Systems Training on multiple systems
CTE (Career and
Technical Education) Topics and Information.
Transitions and Culturally Aware Instruction. Cultural Competence;
Disabilities; First-Generation Students; Instructional Strategies; Poverty;
Research; Services; Veterans.
Customer Service
for Student Success
Collecting data; Common Data Collection from each college for ease of
usability; Finding data; Understanding data.
Preparedness Crisis Management
Plans; Topics.
Experts Database. Commencement Speakers; Connect
Professionals Around Common Goals; Contact Information; Experts from Other
States; Fees/Costs; Key Campus Contacts; Keynote Speaker Database (Angie’s
List) ; PD Contacts; Presenters; Rated by Users; Mentors; Recordings of
Presentations to View; Regional Experts; Speakers Bureau; Reviews; Specialties;
State-Certified or Vetted (optional); Subject Search (area, discipline, job,
program). Users can post their own areas of expertise.
Facilities Design
Funding for PD
Fund Raising; Grant Writing; Partnership/Consortia Options
General Office
Glossary of Terms.
Acronyms, “Alphabet Soup,” “CCpedia.”
Grants and Grant
Writing. Applications; Awards; Searching for grants and funding
sources; What’s Available.
Hot Topics.
Includes “Trend or Theme of the Year.”
How to Learn
How to Request Training
HR Topics.
How to Hire, Evaluate
Humor. “Fun”
IRB Training
Kognito Simulation
LBGQT Issues
Development. Admin 101; Career Development Planning; Career Ladder; Chair
Training; Conflict Management; Dean Topics; Great Deans and Great Chairs
Training; How to Build Leadership Capacity; Leadership Development Suite; Leadership
Institute; New Supervisor Training; Professional Growth and Leadership for
Non-Managers; Suite of Management Trai
Information. Classified; Links to CA legislative bodies; Updates.
Library of
Learning Objects.
to Outside PD Resources. Conferences; Connections; Fees; Information;
Links to System-Wide Resources @ONE; 3C Media Solutions; CCC
Apply; CCC Confer; DECT.
List of Degree Programs
Lynda: see Videos
Management Notifications of Employee Participation in
Trainings; Performance Evaluations; Supervisory Training
Mandated Content/Training. AB 86; Accreditation
reporting; ADA; Brown Act; Compliance Training; Diversity; Dual Enrollment;
Early Alert; Ed. Code; EEO; Equity; Facilities and Maintenance; FERPA; “Go to”
links for mandated training; Guidelines; Guidelines for PD Coordinators; Job
Aides for Statewide Tech Initiatives; Legislation; Mandates; Program Review; Regulations;
Reporting; SSSP; Standards; Title IX
Maps. Regional,
with nearby colleges.
How to Market; Marketing Resources. Individuals and Local PD Programs are
Celebrated and outstanding activities given publicity and tributes. Success
stories are publicized. Mechanisms are developed for encouraging participation
in PD activities. Promotional materials are developed, easily reproduced, and
distributed. Incentive programs for participation and usage are developed.
Master Planning.
Plans for Equity, SSP, Distance Education, Technology.
Meetings –
Resources. Minutes of Meetings; Robert’s Rules
Mentors (see also Experts Database) Regional categories.
Mission Statement
Connected to Students. State PD Group 6.1 and 6.2 recommendations;
focus on student success.
Model Curriculum
Modules that lead
to Certification on Subjects.
Needs Assessment.
Discussions; Samples.
New Employee
Orientation, Training. First Year Survival; Job-specific orientations
(e.g., Banner, Datatel); Instruction Manual for Community Colleges; Orientations
for New Faculty, New Faculty Resources; New Staff; “Tips for the new ___”.
New Student
News Updates.
Announcement Board; By Subject, Job Title; Blog; Legislative Update; Newsletter;
RSS Feed
Online Teaching
Outside Resources.
National and statewide initiatives.
Pathways to
Pedagogy. Assessment;
Assignments; Classroom Techniques; Curricular Map (e.g., after Reading
Apprenticeship, this comes next); Delivery
Methods; Discipline/Subject/Topic Search; Innovative Pedagogy; Lesson Planning;
Model Curriculum; Pathways for PD (e.g., STEM track); Rubrics; SLO Assessment; Syllabus
Building; Teaching Strategies; Writing Across the Curriculum
A library of PowerPoint presentations is maintained.
Development Activities. Activities and communications from
organizations – 3CSN, 4C/SD, ASCCC, @ONE, CCC Confer, 3C Media Solutions, OEI,
and others are included. Links to other
colleges’ PD sites.
Development Program Development. Assessments; Benchmarks; Best
Practices; Contact Lists; Developing a PD Team/Committee; Event Planning; Fact
Sheets; Funding; Guidance for PD Coordinators; Guidelines for PD; How to Build
Physical Space for PD; How to Start a PD Program; How Colleges Organize PD; How
to Create a Robust PD Department/Program; How to Increase Participation; In-sourcing;
Job Descriptions; Library of White
Papers; Literature; Mandates; “New to PD” Resources; Parameters; Policies and
Procedures; Professional Growth Plans and Cohesive Professional Learning Plans;
Reflections about PD Practice; Research (Distilled); Resources for Teaching and
Learning Common PD Topics; Sample Models; Success Stories; Surveys; What Works.
Development Research How to Collect Data for Further Usage; Statistics
for PD Participation (campus, district, statewide); Student Success Data;
Template of Staff Studies (and results of past studies); Training on Research
(e.g., DataMart)
Professional Help.
Crisis Response; Depression; Disabilities; Mental Health Awareness; PTSD; Special
Student Populations; Suicide Prevention; Trauma; Veterans
Project Management
Articles; Documents; Summaries; Support References
Role of Counselor
and Student Support.
Active Shooter; Emergency Preparedness; Natural Disasters; Safe Zone Training;
Sexual Assault; Title IX; Violent Intruder; Workplace Safety
Course Designs; Curriculum; Documents; Peer Observation; Professional Growth
Plans; RFPs and RFQs; Surveys; Syllabi; Templates; Training; Workshops
Soft Skills. Communication; Cultural Competence; Customer
Service; Dealing with Difficult People; Dealing with Disruptive Students;
Diversity; Interpersonal Skills; Personal Development; Sensitivity Training; Stress Management; Team
Building; Time Management; Wellness.
Speakers Bureau:
see Experts
Strategies for
Supporting Student Success. Strategies for specific target groups.
Student Learning
Student Tutorials.
System Goals.
Content is linked to major campus/system goals, initiatives, and standards.
Team Building
Training. ADA Training; Applications; Budgets; CCC Confer; Classroom
Technology; Course Design; Creating Web Products; Distance Education Training; Effective
Use of Technology; Flipped PD Classroom; Handbooks; How-to’s; How to Check
Information; How to Find Stuff; How to Make Videos; Hybrid Technology Training;
Information about Statewide Tech Resources; IT List of Software; Learning
Management Systems; Modules on Specific Technology Tools; New Technology
Showcase; Office; Online Teaching Technology; PowerPoint; Recommendations; Streaming
Media; Technology for Support Services; Tools for Managing Workflow,
Productivity, Idea Generation; Web 2.0; Who’s Using What and How do they Train
for it?
Train the Trainer.
TrainingTransfer Education
Transition (Credit
to Non-Credit, e.g.)
Tutorials and
Self-paced Online Courses: @ONE; Go 2 Knowledge; Lynda; Program Review,
New Student Success, SLOs.
Venues for PD.
Off-campus sites.
Digital Images; Downloadable Video Lectures; Orientations (macro to micro);
Student Engagement Activities; Self-produced; TED Talks; Training Activities by
Subject; Live streamed events, with outside links to materials; In-house
presentations, Webinars.
Centrally purchased video collection, especially Also Magna Publications. Khan Academy concept, TED Talks features.
Fitness; Health; Mental Health; Personal Enrichment; Safety; Stress Management
Workshop Topics by
Category Completed Workshops; Handouts; Notes; Outlines
Dandy ideas, eh? Please let me know if you have any more we can add.